Aboue me

I am a first-year masters student at Brown University. My research interest is broadly in computer graphics and 3D generative/reconstruction models. I am working as a researcher assistant in Brown Visual Computing group, co-supervised by Prof. Daniel Ritchie and Prof. Srinath Sridhar.

Previously, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from Tufts University. During my undergraduate years, I have been fortunate to work with Prof. Michael Hughes on generalized category discovery and Prof. Liping Liu on graph neural networks. I also had the opportunity to intern at Watcher Asset, Redwall-taihe Fund Management, Fidelity Investments, and Platinum AI.

Last Update: 06/16/2024


  • Specializing Small Language Models towards Complex Style Transfer via Latent Attribute Pre-Training
    Ruiqi Xu*, Yongfeng Huang*, Xin Chen, Lin Zhang. In Proceedings of ECAI 2023 [paper] [code]


Generalized Category Discovery

Semi-Supervised Deep Clustering for Generalized Category Discovery. I worked with Patrick Feeney and Prof. Michael Hughes on this project in Spring 2023. [Github]

Kriging Convolutional Networks

Optimized PyTorch implementation of Kriging Convolutional Networks. I finished this project under the supervision of Prof. Liping Liu in Fall 2022. [Github]

Citadel DataOpen Summer Invitational

Second place winner of virtual, one-week datathon hosted by Citadel in Summer 2021. [Github]


Every now and then, we come across papers without code. Here is a record of codeless papers I implemented for personal interest / research needs. From these repos, you can probably notice how my coding skills grow over time and how much ChatGPT I used :)

  1. Nuvo: Neural UV Mapping for Unruly 3D Representations [paper] [code]
  2. On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models [paper] [code]